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1.Amira Jadoon and Bryan Early, 2024 "Embargoes, Weapons, and Violence: The Conditional Effects of Arms Embargoes on Civilian Targeting," Foreign Policy Analysis, Online First. 

2.Amira Jadoon, Richard Yon and Dennis Rice, 2024 “Carrot or Stick, or Both? Examining U.S. Presidents’ Use of Counterterrorism Tools in Pakistan 2001-2019,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Online First.

3.Hina Khalid, Ashley Fox, Ali Akram, Chad Stecher, & Amira Jadoon, “High-profile endorsements and COVID-19 vaccine uptake and hesitancy in Pakistan?” SSM Health Systems, Forthcoming.

4.Amira Jadoon and Caleb Lucas. 2024. "Winning or Losing Hearts and Minds? Evidence from Afghanistan on how Leadership Decapitation affects Civilian Perceptions of Government Efficacy," Journal of Politics 86 (1)

5.Amira Jadoon, Nakissa Jahanbani and Emma Fruchtman. 2023. "The Uninvited Guest:  Understanding Islamic State's Alliances and Rivalries in the Afghanistan-Pakistan Region," Asian Security 19(1).

6.Amira Jadoon, Hina Khalid and Ashley Fox. 2023. “Who Gets Public Goods? Effects of Ethnic Diversity and Exclusion on Rural and Urban Populations Access to Water and Sanitation,” Risks, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy.

7.Amira Jadoon and Hina Khalid. 2023. "Fear, Legitimacy and Access: Political Violence and Health Security in Pakistan, Conflict Management and Peace Science, 40 (2): 207-235

8.Amira Jadoon, Andrew Mines and Daniel Milton. 2022. "Targeting Quality or Quantity? The Divergent Effects of Targeting Upper Verses Lower-Tier Leaders of Militant Organizations," Journal of Conflict Resolution 67(5)

9.Amira Jadoon. 2022. "Operational Convergence or Divergence? Exploring the influence of Islamic State on Militant Groups in Pakistan," Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Online First.

10.Daniel Milton, Amira Jadoon and Jason Warner. 2022. “Symbols or Needs? The Logic of UN Counterterrorism Treaty Ratification," International Studies Quarterly 66:1

11.Amira Jadoon and Daniel Milton. 2022. “Strength from the Shadows? How Shadow Economies Affect Terrorist Activities.” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 45 (5-6)

12.Victor Asal, Chris Linebarger, Amira Jadoon, and Michael Greig. 2021. "Why Some Rebel Organizations Attack Americans." Defence and Peace Economics 32 (6): 708-725

13.Amira Jadoon, Julia Lodeon, Charmaine Willis and Nakissa Jahanbani. 2020. "Breaking the Glass Ceiling? Female Participation in Militant Organizations in Islamic State Affiliates in Southeast Asia," Terrorism and Political Violence 34(8).

14.Amira Jadoon. 2020. “Conflict Aggravation or Alleviation?" A Cross-national Examination of U.S. Military Aid's Effect on Conflict Dynamics, with Insights from Pakistan.” Political Science Quarterly 135.4: 665-695.

15.Amira Jadoon, Dursen Peksen and Taehee Whang. 2020. Forum Contribution in “Economic Sanctions in Flux: Enduring Challenges, New Policies, and Defining the Future Research Agenda,” edited by Bryan Early and Menevis Cilizoglu, International Studies Perspectives 21:4

16.Brandon Behlendorf, Amira Jadoon and Samantha Penta. 2020. “Rivalry and Recovery: The Social Consequences of Climatic Hazards in Rural India.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 46

18.Amira Jadoon. 2019. “Playing Dirty to Survive: the Vulnerability of Civilian Targets within U.S. Military Aid Recipients.” Small Wars & Insurgency 30(3): 587-614

19.Bryan Early and Amira Jadoon. 2019. “Using the Carrot as the Stick: Foreign Aid and the Effectiveness of Sanctions Threats.” Foreign Policy Analysis 15(3): 350-369

20.Amira Jadoon. 2018. “Persuasion and Predation: The Effects of U.S. Military Aid and International Development Aid on One-sided Violence by States.” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 41(10).

21.Victor Asal, Amira Jadoon, Nolan Fahrenkopf, and Injeong Hwang. 2018. “Prisoners At Midnight: Hypotheses Testing Simulation.” European Political Science 17(4): 621-633

22.Bryan Early and Amira Jadoon. 2016. “Do Sanctions Always Stigmatize? The Effects of Economic Sanctions on Foreign Aid.” International Interactions 42(2).

17.Victor Asal and Amira Jadoon. 2020. “When Women Fight: Unemployment, Territorial Control and the Prevalence of Female Combatants in Insurgent Organizations.” Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict 13(3)

23. Amira Jadoon and Daniel Milton. 2024 “Risk and Reward:How Shadow Economies Impact the Financial Practices of Militant Organizations." Terrorism and Political Violence


Amira Jadoon and Sibongile Majola. 2023. "Women and Terrorism." Forthcoming. The Terrorism Encyclopedia, edited by Max Abrahms, Routledge Press.

Amira Jadoon. “Foreign Aid and Terrorism.” 2022. The Handbook of the Economics of Terrorism, edited by Atin Basuchoudhary and Gunther G. Schulze. Cambridge University Press.

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